Monday, September 22, 2008

A lawyer walks into a Bar...

I did it! I passed the Florida Bar Exam!

I'm SO relieved. I was terrified that I'd have to take it over again. I can't even explain how much studying and stress and paranoia goes into taking a bar exam. It's awful. And you know how with most tests you take, if you've studied, by the day of the exam you're feeling pretty confident? Then you take the test and even if you aren't sure that you aced it, you walk out of the exam thinking, "I did alright. I definitely passed." Not so with the Florida Bar Exam. After studying between 10-12 hours a day for almost 2 months, I seriously walked out of both the first and second days of the test thinking, "Well... at least I know what to expect the next time I have to take the Bar Exam."

I was so scared to look at my results, which I knew would be posted on-line today. Then when I saw that I passed, I had to check, double-check, and check again that I was looking at the correct i.d. number. I must have checked 10 times, just to be sure. I even called Elliot to my office to check for me, to make sure I wasn't accidentally reading someone else's exam results. But Elliot confirmed the results for me-- I passed both sections!

Happy me! Happy day!

This is what I looked like every day while I was studying for the exam (here, I'm tracing the trail of an invisible tear down my cheek):


SailorPeg said...

Congrats!!! I guess there's nothing else I can teach you...

Anonymous said...


We are all so proud of you. Despite what you thought - I always knew you would pass the first go - I had every faith!

Much love,

Anonymous said...

Never had a bit of doubt you would do it. You could be a member of the Supreme Court (or the Supremes) if you set your mind to it! You know, from the age of five, I never could win an argument...ah....discussion with you. You were destine to be a lawyer :-)