Monday, September 25, 2006

Penny's from Heaven

I realized the other day that my turtle Penny and I have been living together for over 7 years. So it's about time that I introduce her to everyone.

This is Penny. She's a box turtle. She eats worms and bananas and strawberries and tomatoes. She doesn't bite. Penny lives in an aquarium in our computer room and she's very happy there because she can watch Elliot play video games. Penny is the best turtle in the world.


Elliot said...

Penny is so cute! Is she called a box turtle because she lives in a box?

Anonymous said...

Penny is really cute. You must take good care to her - seven years is long time for a box turtle to survive in captivity.

They are called box turtles because they have two shells and the inner shell has a hinged flap that allows the turtle to hide when frightened.

M said...

poor little penny cant fit all the way inside her shell. she needs a bigger box!

tarynkay said...

i have fond memories of you demonstrating how penny likes to smoosh her face around in her banana.