Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Stopping to Put Gasoline In the Car

On the way home from picking William up from school today, I noticed that I needed to put gas in the car.

"William? I'm going to stop real quick and put gas in the car. Then we'll go home." I want to keep him informed about his environment, since so much has changed for him lately.


"Yes," Elliot said. "Gasoline. It makes the car go."

"You're put gasoline in?"

"Yep. I'm going to put gasoline in the car now," I said, as I was turning into the gas station.

"No! No! No!" William was very concerned all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't put gasoline on me! Don't put gasoline on me!"

"Not YOU. In the car. I'm going to put it in the car."


It took Elliot and me a few minutes to realize why William was freaking out. He has a really great vocabulary for an almost-3-year-old, so it's easy to forget that he doesn't understand the world the way an adult does. He thought I was saying that I was going to put gasoline inside the cab of the car. He didn't understand that there was a place on the outside of the car that lets you put gasoline inside a special compartment of the car without putting gasoline on people.

Poor little guy. I got him so worried.

It was awfully cute, though.


SailorPeg said...

I stopped to put gas in my car recently. I realized putting gas in my car is more expensive now that summer is here. MLIA

Tiny Wire said...

Oh my god, that's kind of frightening!