Saturday, August 27, 2011

Days 534, 535, and 536

Well, Elise, I guess that's ONE way to read a book. (Side note: Elise calls kangaroos "kaloos," which I find adorable. I mention this because there's a kangaroo in the book she's reading, "The Tawny Scrawny Lion," and she always points to it and yells, "ka-LOOOOOO!" Even if she's standing on her head.) August 25th:

Now that Elise is done for the summer with swimming lessons, she's started taking baby music classes. Elise had her first music class on August 26th and she LOVED it! As you can see, music class includes lots of dancing. She also played different kinds of instruments, clapped along to songs, and listened to a story. The teacher was impressed that Elise could keep a steady beat on her own, and she could even stop her movements on command. Good job Elise!

August 27th:

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think kaloo is a much better name than kangaroo. We should all say kaloo.