Tuesday, December 12, 2006

1/2 Way Done With Law School!

I've finished all my finals this semester! Another year and 1/2 to go. It's gone by really quickly and even though I've taken a lot of classes and written a couple thousand pages worth of notes/outlines/case briefs/attack sheets/memos/etc I still don't know anything about being a lawyer. The more I learn, the less I know.

Elliot took this picture while I was trying to study for my Alternative Dispute Resolution final. Yoink came over to snuggle me because he knew I needed a break, and Elliot snapped this photo of us together. Elliot also made a short movie of me petting Yoink, and you can hear him purring. How cute! Now Yoink can have all of the hugs and kisses he wants because I have almost a whole month off school.


Elliot said...

You look so cute!

Anonymous said...

I agree - Mary is so pretty (both inside and out).
