A very small basket. I followed instructions found in Craft magazine and they worked great. Technically, I didn't follow "all" the instructions but I am too lazy to go back and fix it. I will do it correctly on the next basket.
We had to temporarily block anonymous comments on this blog because we started getting spam in the comments section. Hopefully, we can switch it back soon.
We had our second trimester ultrasound this past Monday. The baby is perfectly healthy! They looked at EVERYTHING-- heart, kidneys, brain, spine, umbilical cord... we even saw the little fingers and toes. Elliot and I also know if it's a boy or a girl, but we're not telling yet. :)
The doctor did say that I'm at risk for placenta previa, because my placenta is positioned very low right now. Chances are that my placenta will rise as my uterus expands, but if it doesn't then that means I'll need to have a c-section. I have to go back for another ultrasound in 6 weeks to recheck the position of my placenta.
Is it bad that I'm happy about getting to have another ultrasound? That means that I get to see the baby again before it's born!
Baby was an unborn kitten for Halloween this year. Meow!
I wish that we could put pictures of William up on the blog, but we can't post pictures of him to the Internet. He was a fireman and he looked SO cute. He got lots of compliments and he came home with a massive amount of candy.