Thursday, April 05, 2012

March 30 and 31, April 1

March 30

One of the cool things about being a tiny little person is the ability to hide in clothes racks while your parents are shopping:

Nice hat, baby Clark!

March 31

Elise is forever stuck in the 80s. Here she is turning her tank top in some sort of asymmetrical halter:

Clark playing with his foster brother's toy tractor:

April 1

Elise checking out a helicopter:

Clark sleeping through our walk around the duck pond:


Amber said...

Love! Love! Love! the first picture. It brings back bitter sweet memories. Sweet because I used to love climbing under store shelving at her age. Bitter because I can't do it anymore. Grr, adulthood!

M said...

one of the nice things about having little kids around is all of the vicarious enjoyment you get out of seeing them do things you used to love doing.