Friday, February 11, 2011

Days 330, 331, and 332

Elise made a trip to the emergency room on the night of February 2nd. She has an umbilical hernia (which is pretty common in babies) and her hernia was becoming discolored. We had an ultrasound and x-rays done, and it turns out that she had some baby fat squished through the hole of her hernia. The fat was losing its blood supply and starting to die. As bad as that sounds, the doctor said that she would be just fine. It looked sort of like a bruise. Within a few days, it was all better.

Here is a picture of Elise waiting to see the doctor:

February 3rd:

February 4th was Aunt Sara's 30th birthday! Elise helped to celebrate with a naked scooter ride around her room:

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