Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Elliot and I celebrated America's birthday by watching the movie Transformers, which was quite good. We both grew up watching the Transformer cartoons, so it was great fun to see them in a live action/computer graphic movie.

We've been posting so many wedding photos that we haven't really been able to update you on what's been going on in our lives since the wedding. I'm participating in an externship this summer, and working part-time at a pre-school. I took all of the necessary tests and I've been certified by the state as a pre-school instructor! Yay! Elliot has been working and playing video games and reading interesting books.

If you click on the web album, below, you'll see all of the pictures of Elliot and Brendan that were taken before the wedding.

Brendan and Elliot

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