Sunday, October 22, 2006

We have finished the closet of our master bathroom

Here are some pics.

This is before.

These two are after.


M said...

the new peach color we painted our bathroom isnt really as intense as these pictures might lead you to believe. i guess the camera flash distorted the color a bit.

you cant tell from these pictures, but we actually had to patch a BIG hole in the wall and put down new molding between the wall and the floor. it was a lot of work for a little tiny closet. and now it's done and it looks nice and we can start using this closet again. yay!

Anonymous said...

You should both be proud - good job! It feels so good when you can finally finish a project and start enjoying the fruit of your labors.

I love the color!

Anonymous said...

i really like the color that you picked. it really brighted up the whole area. you guys did a marvolous job! 3 cheers for you!

love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy that makes me want to have a sorbet on your toilet.